Spirit Bird: Kelly Fraser’s Message for Our Youth

By Kandace Keithley

We are so deeply saddened at the Christmas time walk into the Spirit World that of one of our young bright stars chose to take.

Kelly Fraser, a gifted young Inuit musician was a rising star in the Indigenous music community. Her star was truly rising, but rather than celebration and support, Kelly received a great deal of hatred based in jealousy not only from the internet troll world – but from those she loved, the ones who should have been her support system.

In this video that she crowdfunded, Kelly tells a very powerful story – her own and that of the Native people. I am sharing this video under Fair Use for educational purposes and claim no ownership or rights.

I had not heard of Kelly or her music until I saw the terrible news stories about her death on December 26, and my first thought was, “oh no – we’ve lost another baby to this horrific curse of inter-generational trauma.”

Kelly Fraser, Spirit Bird. Rest in Power.

It was heartbreaking to learn a few days later that Kelly had chosen to leave Earth because of the deep wounds she was continuing to receive through the abuse of bullies.

KellyFraserOne of the greatest dangers to people of all ages, but particularly our young ones, is this ability to communicate online with complete strangers – often under the veil of anonymity – and to write horrific things we would never say to that person’s face.

To share perverted, disrespectful articles and memes in social media groups.

To completely strip ourselves of our dignity and humanity in the online community – which of course, bleeds into our collective consciousness and demonstrates itself in terrible behaviors and attitudes in real life.

It is the perpetuation of trauma on the most insidious, intellectual and spiritual levels.

It is easy to see how a young woman, (a survivor of cultural genocide and inter-generational trauma and therefore very vulnerable), could be sent into such a place of despair and pain from these kinds of attacks that she would choose to take her beauty and her gifts and leave this planet in hopes that her story might be a lesson for those she has left behind. 

Inuit Poverty

The Mohawk and people of many other Tribes believe that we each write our stories before we come here to Earth and live them out  in physical form. We write our first chapter and our last, and include all the characters from our star families who we live with in Spirit for many eternities.

It is these souls that we incarnate with to walk with one another and teach each other lessons – both good and bad. And, because Earth is an upside down place, the ones who love us the most in the Spirit world hurt us the most in this life. They also have the ability to bring us the most joy.

Robbie Robertson tells the story of the Sacred Hoop journey in his song and video, “Stomp Dance.”

In the song, “Rebound Girl,” Kelly tells the story of her people, the terrible effects on marriage relationships and families, on women’s friendships with one another – that loss of community and connection.

This destruction is the result of generations of genocide against the Native People of Turtle Island, and even though we are still fighting many battles against governments and corporations, it is now more important than ever that we get serious about our Medicine Walks and begin – or continue – to do the hard work to heal ourselves.

Painting of the Trail of Tears by Max D. Stanley

Because it is only through healing ourselves that we learn how to walk in beauty, and that will help the others around us heal. The very survival of our families and communities depend on this.

The Ancestors and our great Prophets have told us over and over that our healing will only come when we return to the Old Ways, when we remember who we are.

Although our Native relatives across Canada and around the world are suffering, we must never forget that we are essential to the survival of our Mother Earth. For Thunderbird has shown us that it is the Native people, the Indigenous people, the Original People of this little Blue Rock who are closest to the Ancestors, our Sky Relatives, and Creator. Our Indigenous relatives are the ones who know the medicine and secrets of our Mother and all her bird, animal, insect, swimmer, crawler, plant, rock . . .creatures. And it is our responsibility to protect and support them all.

The Ancestors, our great Prophets, our Visionaries and Medicine Men and Women have told us over and over that our healing will only come when we return to the Old Ways, when we remember who we are. Without the wisdom of our Elders and Prophets and Medicine People, the earth will surely perish.

RedRoadThis is why the great evil is trying to exterminate us and has offered great rewards for the murder of our Chiefs and their families, our Medicine men and women, and all the ones who hold the wisdom of this land.

But, the time of the 8th Fire has come, and it is now time for us all to rise up and support one another – but most importantly to stand with our Native relatives in whatever way they need.

We have seen the disasters of “do-gooders,” churches, governments and social justice warriors who come to “help” our people but end up leaving messes of the land and of our systems.

The time has come for each of us to shed that “victim” mentality that makes it so easy for us to strike out in jealousy and anger, to spew hatred against our partners and complete strangers in cyberspace.

The time has come for us to walk the walk to the edge of the nest and start flapping our wings.

The time has come for us to find ways to bring money to our reserves and communities through our work and initiative, through using our money to support our brothers and sisters small businesses, through teaching the Old Ways to the young ones. To make our communities and our land abundant, healing, and productive.

The Mohawk teaching about how we write our stories before we come here also shows us that, once we are aligned with our true selves, we will remember our mission – our purpose for coming here in the first place.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation keeper of the Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, and the leader of the Sioux Nation and the Spiritual leader of Native Turtle Islanders and many millions of relatives around the world.

Kelly Fraser, like so many other Spirit Birds of our people, came here to show us what could be possible for each of us. And the consequences of our hateful actions.

This is a powerful legacy. Powerful medicine.

For, as our storytellers and healers have shown us, when we pay attention to the message of a Spirit Bird, we will examine ourselves and make great changes.

It is my deepest hope and prayer that those who were so utterly cruel to this young woman, somebody’s beloved child – a child of the most high Creator – will examine their behaviour and feel deep shame and sorrow for what they have caused with their actions. And that they will change themselves and the way they behave online and in person. Ekosi.

May the Spirit of this fine young woman fly free and true. All honour and respect to Kelly’s family and loved ones. We encourage you to make a contribution to the family to help with expenses during this sad time. Please go here.


It is very important for everyone to understand that humanity is going through a time in history that we have never experienced before. The level of chaos and despair is off the charts as we continue to walk through this time of great transition and change into the 8th Fire Great Awakening. You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed and in despair. And there are many people, myself included, who are here for you.

Hold on for one more day – If you are someone you love is in crisis, please reach out for help. Here are the links for articles listing Suicide Hotlines in Canada and the United States.

Suicide Hotlines and Crisis Lines in Canada

Suicide Hotlines in the United States of America

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. Do your research to learn the truth about what is going on. We share a great deal of information about the geopolitical situation from a Conservative Native perspective on Bird Clan Messenger’s social media network. Reach out to someone if you need to talk. Contact me here if you would like a private Medicine Wheel teaching session.

It is my honour to be your messenger.

Kandace Keithley is a writer and the publisher of Bird Clan Messenger, a descendant of Trail of Tears Cherokee people who teaches and shares Traditional wisdom and medicine. She lives in Toronto, ON, Canada

— kandace keithley, namadaki aandeg miimiiwe gekek kwe (woman who sits with crows & dances with hawks) ~ Tsa-La-Gi 


More information about the 7th Fire and 8th Prophecies are here.

Whether you have input and comments for Bird Clan Messenger or are interested in learning how you can share your gifts and talents with the New Earth please Contact us here.

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