Goal Tending Behind the Veil: How to Coax Order From Chaos

Osiyo and LONG TIME!!  Bird Clan!🪿🦆

I hope this finds everyone well on this lovely Winter Solstice 2023, here at the end of the year of the great Mother Skunk of Duality.

skunk-spirit-animal-webIt appears the HUmans have mistaken Duality for “Duplicity” and have made quite a mess up of things on planet earth.

There are a number of very odd inconsistencies and ugly truths – uglier than most of us could ever have imagined, that have been slowly emerging for me over the past year, and that has really bunged up my gears, as you may have noticed by the severe lack of written material on this blog.

But, it has been quite a trip around the ole Sol for me in many ways.

It has taken the full year for me to awaken to yet another level of deceit from the Elites, and this one was the hardest to swallow yet… And, the reason I have chosen to step back from politics “per se” and focus more on the historical and cultural aspects of WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!!! . . .😳😱🌽

along with producing educational material which is pretty necessary right now.

One of the reasons I have not been writing much is that I have been incredibly busy this year, building up a fantastic library of material for the Code Talking project I am here to create for the folks here on the Turtle – and our pals around the Rock, if they’re interested. 

I will be writing a lot more about that project, lovingly known as . . . 

logo2-pngSnoots and Piper’s SlumDog ParCour.

CuteTango Artists will understand what that means.

If you have no idea but are intrigued with the idea of a modern-day Code Talkers project (see Navajo and Cherokee Code Talkers during the Great Wars, A’ho Grandfathers, Nokommis ❤ ) . . . 

then, you can join the fun in the Root Cellar on the Bird Clan Messenger Telegram Channel; and, if you’re even more intrigued after that, you can find your way to the very tiny hangout (like a speakeasy for the most obnoxious victorsofthelight you can imagine) . . .

which is called Delilah’s Sheepherder’s Anonymous – Chapter 007. I share the links on the channel but they change every so often, so I’m not sharing them here.

If you’re really interested, you will follow those tracks and find that lil love shack down in the Telegram Cellar.

Sheepherders Anonymous is not for everyone, but the ones who are still hanging around through all the bomb dropping and temper tantrums and calling out (and rightfully so) of assholes all around – plus C -5A loads of inside information on the Toronto situation that is, as yet, unpublished – are probably the best informed people on the planet.

Or truly crazy – like me. It’s a Crow family trait, apparently.

But – there is great power in being the resident Crazy Lady hanging out in the underpinnings of society as society self-destructs all around . . . , for that basement is where you’ll find the foundational documents for the New Earth Communities and Projects that I have come to help establish, along with all the backstories and great deal of literary hilarity by the numerous characters who come to visit Delilah and Olivia and Juliette’s hangout in the Cellar.

You can find quite a few of my recent Memetastic Medicine Shows and Kitchen Parties on the Bird Clan Messenger Rumble Channel.

Old stuff still up on Bitchute and Brighteon, but because of formatting issues on those platforms, I’m not uploading there anymore. Seem to be having a lot of processing errors on Bitchute and Brighteon doesn’t accept large (theatre sized) video, which is disappointing because that is a fantastic platform. Hopefully, they will find a way to fix that one in the future – because so many of us are still banished from YouTube, which is apparently good from what I hear from Stephen Crowder and the other Conservatives who are under constant attack by the machine.

dietrich-bonhoeffer-quote-first-they-came-for-the-communists-but-iI have a lot of catching up and cleaning up to do on Aisle Bird Clan Messenger, and will be getting that started after the holiday hub bub subsides a bit and I have recovered a bit more from what Snoots thinks was the latest round of the Coof. 

My first time with that lil dance and holy crap was he ever right. I will have to go back and find the stream from when he was sick (2021?) and compare notes.

If you follow me and that Wiley ole Coyote out there in the desert, you know we are not jabbed up and are super against that whole psy-op.

So – holy crackers when you get slammed with it, fortunately you’ve done enough research to know what you’re dealing with and how to get through it, but you really aren’t prepared for the severity of this flu.

I’m just going to share a little bit of the Telegram post I shared a couple of weeks ago when I first came down with it.

Still recovering, so will cut this post here. 99

wp-1660318787426HogTown Hoodlums – there is a NASTY stomach flu going around that lingers 4 – 5 days for me start to (nearly) finish. Symptoms are:

Fever / Chills
Nausea / vomiting (cannot keep anything down)
Extreme Muscle and joint pain
Slight respiratory
Extreme Fatigue and weakness.

Last Thursday, I got sick coming home from an errand run and it intensified until about yesterday morning, after which point it”s been about recovery and regaining strength.

Still not 100% and don’t want to pass this around, so I won’t be going down for elevensies for awhile. Re masks – the commies are pushing the mask up thing again, and I would suggest that people take a page from our Asian pals’ book, especially the Japanese who have the nicest manners on the planet unless they’re drunk businessmen riding home late on the train 😂🦅🐺🐺🐻💥. . . digress. . .

The Japanese Culture is very concerned with respect and honoring the other. And that is why they will wear a mask when THEY are sick. Not to protect themselves from someone else. So, if you are sick, stay HOME!! And if you have to go out, that’s the time to keep your germs to yourself. That is the only time I would cover my mouth.

So – Toronto – this flu . . .

I went online (Gargle) to see what the actual helios I had stumbled into, and wouldn’t you know Covid symptoms popped up first thing.

My search was: Flu in Toronto Right Now (meooow 😉)

So – that caught my eye and I thought, well if that’s what this is then I’m now immune. . .

But then, the next entry was the Flu . . . just the regular old flu / stomach variety this time

So pay attention to those search results.

One final symptom I had was a fainting spell. I nearly blacked out last night and was able to maintain consciousness by calling in Issa and commanding the darkness to leave. It took a huge amount of energy and left me really shaken. Lots of exhaustion and recovery still, and still very sad to be abandoned.

I hope you all stay healthy and safe. – 99

Bat 1********************* and that is the point that Snoots told me it was the Coof.

So, I really have been on light duty for the past couple of weeks, and that time has been a great blessing actually – because it has given me the Paws that Refreshes and an opportunity to reframe a few plans for my own future and hopefully the future of a large passel of Curs and a few Axe throwing Jocks n Ballers to round out the New Year.

Never know what will happen on the shores of a mysterious body of Water. . . . 

But – hey!! Take care of yourselves and get ready because the Piper is on the mend and ready to get back to the real task at hand . . .

which is crafty words and thoughts and phrases – a little less of the video stuff until I see some ACTION VERBS by the ground crew I was assigned up in the Pleeds . . . 

but who seem to have lost their way home. 
Now, Jethro –  THAT is my plan for making order out of chaos here behind the Veil (where I still struggle to sleep through 3 a.m.) . . . 

And, you can find all those references right down there in the Telegram Bird Clan Bowling Alley.

It is my honour to be your messenger. – sp99


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