Goal Tending Behind the Veil: How to Coax Order From Chaos

Sheepherders Anonymous is not for everyone, but the ones who are still hanging around through all the bomb dropping and temper tantrums and calling out (and rightfully so) of assholes all around – plus C -5A loads of inside information on the Toronto situation that is, as yet, unpublished – are probably the best informed people on the planet.… Read More Goal Tending Behind the Veil: How to Coax Order From Chaos

The Medicine of Spirit Horse: Wisdom, Folly and Balance for the 144,000 [Updated]

Change always begins with a change of our OWN narrative, and as we who have been through huge and transformational change understand – it’s a slog. And we definitely need strong helpers like Horse to get us through.

People on the spiritual path understand the great truth about Horse – balance is always necessary to move through turmoil in a sane and healthy way. This week, Horse is showing us how the strong perceptions of Hawk, combined with the great truths of Eagle (especially now while we’re in the time of Crow and Coyote) and the organization of Squirrel (who is sitting in the west with the Grandmothers) will give us the balance we need for times such as these.… Read More The Medicine of Spirit Horse: Wisdom, Folly and Balance for the 144,000 [Updated]

Owl Medicine – Are you Awake? Or just “Woke?”

Owl is the keeper of the Western Gate of consciousness. The place where we sit with the Grandmothers, remember the old ways of women’s intuition, the medicines of our Ancestors and reconnect with the Divine through our hearts. This ancient Grandmother, known as the Night Eagle in some Native cultures, is either considered a scary… Read More Owl Medicine – Are you Awake? Or just “Woke?”