Raven: Deep Dark Truths and Core Beliefs

Raven is on the scene this week, serving as a reminder that we’ve hit a place (both personally and collectively) where the utter insanity of the Matrix and all the programming we grew up with are being recognized as ridiculous delusions representing the darkest, most depraved aspects of humanity along with our deepest fears represented by our core beliefs.… Read More Raven: Deep Dark Truths and Core Beliefs

Pigeon Medicine – How an “Unimportant” Bird United the World

The greatest story of this week (which is actually Wolf Medicine Week), is the tale of the lowly yet powerful little pigeon who shat on the person claiming to be Joe Biden and claiming to be the President of the United States. And the independent information world is having a field day with it.… Read More Pigeon Medicine – How an “Unimportant” Bird United the World