Black Panther Medicine – Making Peace with Uncertainty

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On this week, number 52 in the Medicine Card teachings by Jamie Sams and David Carson, we are sitting with the Great Black Panther who forces the darkest secrets out into the open. At this time, we are seeing the revelations of the deceit and evil behind the global bioterror event they are calling covid which stands for certificate of i.d. This is very dangerous, as our Indigenous Ancestors and relatives are living examples of this type of attack on the people and our rights and freedom. Black Panther Medicine gives us the ability to see into the darkest of crevices, to find the hidden truths of our missions and our worth, and to help us overcome our fears of surrendering to the unknown and trust in the process of life that we are a part of.

Joining Black Panther this week are the Medicines Of the following totems (learn more about the Cherokee understanding of animal totems here)

Eagle in the East – the Yellow Quadrant of the mind – showing us that when we are in alignment with truth we will be able to see clearly and share the truth with others. Truth is not always lovely and awakening to truth is always painful.

Grouse in the South – the Red Quadrant of the physical, material plane – showing us where we need to walk in our daily lives, to make sure we’re being active and connecting with the people in our circles.


Raven and Wolf join Grouse in the South at this time, reminding us that we’re still in a time of great prophecy and change for the human family as foretold by our Grandfathers Chief Crazy Horse, Chief Black Elk, and many others.

The Cherokee know this as the Time Out of Time – the time when the earth must become quiet in order to correct the path of humanity that had gone astray. This is the time described by the Apostle John in the Biblical Book of Revelation. We know it as the time of the 7th and 8th Fires, and the Great Awakening.

Grandmother Owl waits for us in the West – the Black Quadrant of the heart where she reminds us to take care of ourselves, drink water, rest and learn the medicines that we need for this time.

And Grandfather Buffalo in the Northwest reminds us that the Great Spirit is watching over us and guiding us through this unlovely time with strength and grace. The key is prayer and connection with the divine.

At the very top of this week’s Medicine Wheel is Swan – the Queen of the North who flies even higher than Eagle at 30 thousand feet – teaches us the power of surrender, then sends us back down to take another crack at the Sacred Hoop.

Black Panther Medicine – Making Peace with Freedom & Uncertainty

IMG_20201221_042235Black Panther has come to remind us of the sanctity of all life – at a time when humans are murdering God’s creatures with abandon, a time when humans are littering the earth with garbage and destroying the water, the air, and the land. Continuing to believe the lies of politicians who value only money and power among their own elite peer groups, thieves and liars and traitors against humanity who would throw their own kids under the bus for a dollar. We have seen it happen many times with these elites who are fighting to continue controlling the world.

As we teach on Bird Clan Messenger, we have moved from the time of the 7th Fire – the end of the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age of the 8th Fire, the Great Awakening.

The transition from the fear and death-based cult way of life must begin with each and every one of us – as we examine our deeply held beliefs and explore the way they translate into our daily lives.

Are we spending all our time on social media learning and sharing teachings? Or are we walking in balance and giving our time and energy to the less fortunate in our communities? Are we looking for ways to contribute to the New Earth that is now forming – because the old paradigm is falling and we need to be ready.

Black Panther invites us to explore the depths of our soul to find the truth of who we truly are. The Pearl of Great Price.

This week, Black Panther is joined by the medicine and teachings of Eagle, Grouse, Raven, Wolf, Owl, Buffalo and Swan.

IMG_20201221_042253Eagle in the East – the Yellow Quadrant of the mind – showing us that when we are in alignment with truth we will be able to see clearly and share the truth with others. Truth is not always lovely and awakening to truth is always painful.

Eagle guides us to teachings about the truth of our lives and helps us find teachers and the lessons we need to reconnect with the love and grace of the Great Spirit – that has always been there waiting for us when we were ready to begin our journey.

Jesus taught this beautiful truth about God’s never-ending love for all his creatures here on Earth in many ways, but the most well known is the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

This story seems, on the surface, like a family drama with a generous and loving father, a rebellious and materialistic son and a resentful son who couldn’t see the beauty of his father’s grace through his jealous spirit.

But – because as we know, Jesus came to teach us about Spirit (the Kingdom of Heaven), his teachings resonate with the truth on the spiritual level. So, we can understand this as a story about our spiritual journeys.

Truth shows us every aspect of our selves reflected in the Characters of a story. The Prodigal Son shows us our journeys from the Spirit World, our Father’s house which has many rooms, to come to Planet Earth to learn our lessons.

How do we choose our lessons? What is our path? Do we run off in search of fun and fame and fortune? Or do we play it safe, stick close to home where we can watch over the material things we believe to be “rightly ours?”

The story shows us that when we choose the path to the pig farm, we’re much more likely to humble ourselves and return to the Great Spirit than if we’ve never been challenged and have always enjoyed the safety and security of our parents’ homes.

But, regardless of the path we take, the story reminds us that the Creator loves all his children equally and celebrates the return of the lost ones when they find their way back to the path.

This is the Pearl of Great Price, because once we understand the power of Grace, then we are much better able to deal with the struggles in our lives – and Grouse, Raven, and Wolf are here to remind us that there are many struggles on Planet Earth at this time.

IMG_20201221_042303Grouse in the South – the Red Quadrant of the physical, material plane. Grouse reminds us the importance of the Circle of Life – of how being aware of the daily and weekly rituals and ceremonies that we include in our experience can help us restructure our world after we’ve had a time of difficulty, or even when we’re just needing to be organized.

This is a time of great chaos and disorganization, so it is more important than ever to pay attention to our thoughts, words and actions. Are we paying too much attention to the world on social media and forgetting to spend time with our loved ones? Are we continuing to believe the lies or are we unplugging and focusing on the things we can control?

Grouse shows us where we are walking in in our daily lives and helps us integrate higher levels of spiritual knowledge and understanding into our realities. She reminds us to make sure we’re being active and connecting with the people in our circles, while also being mindful of our own needs for healing and solitude.

IMG_20201221_042328Raven and Wolf join Grouse in the South reminding us that we’re still in a time of great prophecy and change for the human family as foretold by our Grandfathers Chief Crazy Horse, Chief Black Elk, and many others.

So while the battle and chaos rages outside, it is a good time to learn about history and how it has influenced every aspect of our lives.

We can see how the great evil has taken over so very much of our world – in everything from the ugly disrespect our young women and men show one another and their parents, to the sexualization of even the youngest children.

The media is filled with images and films, video games and websites that glorify violence, sadism, pedophilia, corruption, greed, lust and all of the sins unleashed through the Pandora’s Box of liberalism and “progress.”

IMG_20201221_042338Grandmother Owl waits for us in the West – the Black Quadrant of the heart where she reminds us to take care of ourselves, drink water, focus on our diets, rest and learn the medicines that we need for this time.

As we are now seeing, even the great Feast days of all cultures have been taken over and people are being punished for celebrating their family and religious holidays. Sacred times of the year originally meant to honour our Ancestors, share food with loved ones, and give to thanks to the Great Mystery for our very lives and all that we’ve been given have been twisted into dark pits of commercialism and political rage. And now our family gatherings, worship services, and holiday celebrations are being “banished” altogether by the tyrants who will steal our joy if we allow it.

The Grandmothers encourage you to look outside yourself and your own family for someone to help and share love with during this time. If you are in a city, make extra food and share it with those who are struggling. There are many people who have been without money for a long time and many are suffering. We must all stand together and help one another. It is only through sharing food and love with our brothers and sisters of every walk of life that we understand the true meaning of walking a life in Grace.

No matter how difficult our situation is, no matter how alone we feel, the Ancestors remind us that they – and the Great Spirit are always there, controlling the outcome of this situation on Earth through offering truth, love, grace and healing to all who are awakening and walking into the light. We see this promise through our Grandfathers.

IMG_20201221_042349Grandfather Buffalo in the Northwest

Grandfather Buffalo stands strong and faithful in the Northwest Quadrant where the heart and the Grandmothers meet the Spirit. He reminds us of our history and the lessons we need to continue our journey. He encourages us to love every part of our journey – even the difficult times because all things work together for our good when we are following the purpose of the Great Spirit for our lives.

Chief Arvol Lookinghorse, who is the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe teaches the very important messages and prophecies of this time.

“A “disease of the mind” has set in world leaders and many members of our global community, with their belief that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring peace. In our prophecies it is told that we are now at the crossroads: Either unite spiritually as a global nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives’ eyes.”

Chief Looking Horse Love Teaching - EagleChief Looking Horse is the leader of the great Sioux Nation and is the spiritual leader for Native People across Turtle Island and our relatives around the world, and offers this solution to help humanity in its successful transition:

“I ask you to join me on this endeavor. Our vision is for the peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites to pray and meditate and commune with one another, thus promoting an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining Peace.”

The time for this blind following of the great evil’s agenda must end, and it will take the work of all the Earth’s people.  Instead of allowing ourselves and our children to be programmed through TRASH on television and other media, let’s harness those technologies to help us all return to our own cultures, return to our Grandfathers and Grandmothers and demonstrate the love and respect they have given to us in the creation of our families.

We must release the painful parts of these events of our time and find the blessing within. For it is only through going back and tending to those old wounds that we can truly recover and walk forward in a loving and healthy way.

Dream CatcherWe strongly encourage you to surround yourself with a strong community, family, friends – and the healer that you have invited to walk with you as you do this work. It can be painful and overwhelming sometimes, so we need to be surrounded by those who love and support us.

This is the Medicine of Buffalo. The mighty king of the Great Plains. His Medicine is powerful, patient – and returning.

IMG_20201221_042356At the very top of this week’s Medicine Wheel is swan – the Queen of the North who flies even higher than Eagle at 30 thousand feet – teaches us the power of surrender, then sends us back down to take another crack at the Sacred Hoop.

Swan Medicine shows us that it is not only okay but requisite to be ourselves, because if we don’t know who we are and why we’re here, then we will live our lives spiritually crippled and unable to function in a healthy manner with the people we love.

Swan is a very important totem for me, and for many messengers who have suffered through feeling like the Ugly Duckling their entire lives and have often found themselves flapping around in places they didn’t belong or frozen in fear during long dark winters of the soul.

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Toronto Medicine Walks

This is medicine of the Great Spirit that gives us the grace, the time and the provision to surrender ourselves to the unknown, to the new way of life – a new way of understanding and being. This process will take time but it is such important medicine for our growth into the lovely Swans that we’ve all come here to be.


Through having the courage to explore the depths of the dark places in ourselves and in our societies to find the truth about what needs to change, the truth about this time of prophecy and return – Black Panther and the Creatures show us the way back to the good Red Road:

Let us return to our Mothers and Fathers. Thank them for giving us life, and for bringing us up the best they could – no matter their circumstances. Forgiveness depends on this.

Listen to the stories of the Old Ones. Learn their wisdom and share it with others. Learn the medicine. Learn it from the Elders and Medicine People, and learn how to use it. This is the only way.

Making this transition requires many changes in our ways of thinking and living our lives, and the single most important factor is patience – with ourselves, with our loved ones and with our leaders.

My Medicine Man and Teacher, Pete Keshane at Toronto’s Anishnawbe Health Traditional Indigenous Healing Centre teaches that patience is the most difficult lesson – and wow is he ever right.

But, it is only through the daily, constant practice of patience, given to us through the Grace of the Great Spirit through prayer and built up through exercise that we learn to love the unlovely. The unlovely parts of ourselves, our loved ones and our leaders.

This is a circular healing journey here on planet Earth. One that asks us to explore and connect with – and to fall in love with the deepest desires of our heart.

For this is where our treasure lies – this is the Pearl of Great Price.

This is a journey that allows us to make peace with our Selves and our Sacred Right to live in a way that allows us enough prosperity to meet our needs and enjoy our lives in whatever manner best suits us, to share with others and to save for the future.

And although we are intuitively led to this place by our dreams and visions and ideas, it can be a lonely, frightening, and painful walk at times.

For it is through taking the steps toward our dreams that we begin our healing journey – where we connect with and sort through our old memories and re-member (literally re-experience and feel) our woundedness.

And, when we have made another trip around the Sacred Hoop, we return again to the place of our depth, the place of the Black Panther who reminds us that, even in the darkest of times when all seems to have been lost, there is always Grace.

And it is only through sitting in the depths with the deepest truths of our being, the whispers of our souls that we are once again returned to ourselves.

It is my honour to be your messenger.

Chi Miigwetch.

Kandace Keithley is a writer and the publisher of Bird Clan Messenger, a descendant of Trail of Tears Cherokee people who teaches and shares Traditional Native wisdom and medicine. She lives in Toronto.

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